How is Russian medical massage different from other styles of massage?

Russian Medical Massage differs from other modalities of massage by separating the affected muscle from the attachments and nerve center. It uses the concept that the nervous system and pain centers must be addresses in the massage.

How long is each session?

Depending on the type of work needed each session can last from 1 hour to an hour and half.

Pricing and location?

Cost is dependent on number of sessions and where I give the massage. I can travel within a 10 mile radius with all of my equipment. There are packages available for multiple sessions.

If I have a chronic problem, can you fix it?

Depending what the problem is and how long you have had it, will be one of the factors that will determine how many sessions, and how close together your treatments will be.
*Also, please note: I am not a doctor, so if the issue is severe and still persist you should consult your doctor.